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Our Story

In 2011, Madison Farm to Fork and the Madison Conservation District began engaging students, teachers and the Ennis, Montana community in gardening, nutrition, agriculture, and watershed projects.  This was made possible for the organizations thanks to AmeriCorps Service Members.


Community response was robust and exciting.  The flagship of the program blossomed into the volunteer-built Ennis School Garden, a proud feature of the school playground.  The garden serves as an ideal outdoor classroom space for experiential learning of Science, Native American Studies, Nutrition, and Service Learning.


In 2015, local organizations came together to help support the efforts of Farm 2 Fork and the Conservation District, and created a more permanent model of school outreach.  GROWW, Gardens, Resources, Outdoors, Wildlife, and Watershed, began.  Since then, the GROWW program has continued to serve the students of the Ennis community during the school year in the capacity of curriculum enrichment; and during the summers as part of the Good Thymes Summer Camp, and the Great Yellowstone Adventure Camp.

Our GROWWers

Nichole Bailey

Program Coordinator

Jamie Diehl

School Program Supervisor

Janet Dochnahl

Program Supervisor

Sunni Heikes-Knapton

Program Supervisor

Our Partners

GROWW would not be meeting the needs of local students, without support from partner organizations that help members of the community identify those needs.

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